& Schwarz 사가 제조한 m3tr 이란 무선기를 소개 합니다. 당장,
등에 메고 삼악산 에라도 올라보고 싶네요. mr3000h 1.5 ~ 108 MHz(수신
500 MHz 까지) mr3000u 25 ~ 500 MHz 이렇게 두종류가
있네요. 이중 아무래도..아마추어무선과 관련이 더 많은 mr 3000h 쪽으로
눈길이 더 많이 갑니다. 이후 이내용을 옮겨 봅니다. 과연 가격은 얼마나
할래는지... rohde
& shwarz에서 옮겨 왔습니다.
Advanced HF/VHF Tactical Radio
R&S MR3000H
The R&S MR3000H belongs to
a new family of high-performance digital radios covering the HF
and VHF/FM band in a single unit.
Thanks to different high-speed
data modes and protocols as well as different antijam modes for
HF and VHF/FM, it perfectly integrates into tactical communication
The radio is software-configurable
and reprogrammable including pre planned product improvement (P³I).
All members of the R&S M3TR
family are based on one mechanical platform, with a common logistic
concept and one man machine interface (MMI).
◆ Multiband capability (1.5 MHz
to 512 MHz with external devices) ◆ Multiwaveform capability ◆
High data rate up to 64 kbit/s for data and video ◆ Software-configurable
and upgradeable (P³I) ◆ Selective links in one net ◆
Low volume/weight ◆ Power saving mode ◆ Integrated GPS and
position report ◆ Removable front panel for flexible use and
integration ◆ User-friendly MMI
General specifications
Frequency range
TX: 1.5 MHz to 108 MHz RX: (100
kHz), 1.5 MHz to 512 MHz
Channel spacing HF VHF/FM
1 Hz 6.25 kHz, 8.33 kHz,
12.5 kHz, 25 kHz
Frequency stability
standard: ±0.5 ppm
100 (10 available on rotary switch)
J3E (USB, LSB), A3E (AM), H3E (AME),
F1B/F1D (FSK), A1A (CW), F3E (FM)
Operating modes
SSB/FM/AM, frequency hopping (VHF/FM),
frequency hopping (HF), clear voice/data transmission (FF mode),
secure voice/data transmission (FH mode, DFF mode), test (BITE),
remote control, GPS mode (time, position), erase
Antenna tuning HF VHF
built-in, automatic, silent
tuning built-in matching filter
Test (IBIT)
module level; manually initiated
BIT continuous monitoring
HF transmitter specifications RF
output power
Power reduction protection Carrier
suppression Sideband suppression Intermodulation
products Harmonic suppression
1 mW, 0.1 W, 0.2 W, 0.5 W,
1 W, 2 W, 5 W, 10 W, 20 W PEP, FM average,AM PEP high VSWR,
high temperature >50 dB below PEP (J3E) >50 dB below
PEP >36 dB below PEP >40 dB
HF receiver specifications Sensitivity
(1.5 MHz to 30 MHz)
SSB: -117 dBm (0.3 µV)
for 10 dB (S+N)/N (2.4 kHz bandwidth) syllabic squelch, 150 Hz
tone squelch, signal squelch, RSSI (relative signal strength indication)
VHF/FM transmitter specifications RF
power output
Power reduction protectionhigh
Harmonics Spurious emission
1 mW, 0.1 W, 0.2 W, 0.5 W,
1 W, 2W, 5 W, 10 W, FM average, AM PEP VSWR, high temperature -60
dBc -70 dBc
VHF/FM receiver specifications Sensitivity
(30 MHz to 512 MHz)
FM: -113 dBm, 10 dB SINAD
Power supply Input
14 V to 33 V DC 19 V to
33 V fully specified
Fast data modes (optional) HF
modes (FF)
VHF mode (FF)
STANAG 4285 waveform up to
3600 bit/s STANAG 4539 waveform up to 12800 bit/s R &
S proprietary waveform up to 64 kbit/s
Automatic link establishment (optional
for HF) Specifications
MIL-STD-188-141B, App. A
Voice processor (R&S SECOM
only) Vocoder bitrate
HF: 1200 bit/s VHF: 4800
EPM (optional) Frequency hopping
modes HF VHF/FM Encryption
& S SECOM-V R & S SECOM embedded voice/data encryption
Environmental conditions Temperature
range (MIL-STD-810E methods 501.3 and 502.3) Operational Fully
specified Storage Temperature
shock Shock Vibration Waterproofness
and dust Solar radiation Icing
and freezing rain Salt fog Low
pressure (altitude)
Fungus EMI Bench
-40°C to
+70°C -25°C to +55°C -40°C to
+85°C to MIL-STD-810E method 503.3 to MIL-STD-810E method
516.4 to MIL-STD-810E method 514.4 1 m immersion during 2
hours, to MIL-STD-810E method 512.3 to MIL-STD-810E method
510.3 to MIL-STD-810E method 505.3 to MIL-STD-810E method
521.1 to MIL-STD810E method 509 .3 to MIL-STD810E method 500.3,
proc. I+II 5000 m above sea level at <+35 °C to MIL-STD810E
method 507.3 (cycle5), 33 °C/63 °C, 75% RH, 15 days to
MIL-STD810E method 508.4 to MIL-STD-461 to MIL-STD810E method
516.4, proc.VI
Dimensions (W x H x D)
199 mm x 74 mm x 309 mm (with
battery pack)
<5.8 kg (with battery pack)
Accessories (optional)
Handset, headset, battery charger,
loudspeaker with external 3 W audio amplifier
External control units, data terminals Data
terminal (DT) for field use, fill gun, message handling PC software,
mission planning PC software, remote control terminal, remote control
software (installed on a PC) for remote control of the radio
Antennas HF whip antenna 2.4
m, VHF whip antenna 1.5 m, short rod antenna VHF, long wire antenna,
dipole antenna for VHF and HF range, other antennas on request
External amplifiers 50 W VHF
power amplifier, 50 W VHF/UHF power amplifier, 150 W HF power amplifier The
Power Amplifier R&S VK3150 increases the HF output power of
the R&S MR3000 manpack radios to 150 W PEP or 100 W average.
The R&S VK3150 provides medium-power/medium-range communications
links. Typical applications include mobile or base station installations
for general-purpose HF SSB voice and data communications. Continuous
coverage is provided over the 1.5 MHz to 30 MHz frequency range.
The power amplifier section is of broadband design and fully supports
frequency-agile operation modes (automatic link establishment, slow
frequency hopping).
When used with the automatic HF Antenna Tuning
Unit R&S FK3150, the output of the R&S VK3150 is automatically
matched to most rod and whip antennas and requires no special operator
procedures. Built-in self-test features permit operators or maintenance
personnel to fully check the transceiver and associated power amplifier
performance down to the module level. Fault conditions are displayed
on the transceiver's front-panel display. The
RF drive requirements for full 150 W PEP or 100 W average are –2
dBm (±3 dB) from the associated receiver- transmitter. The
manpack R&S MR3000 therefore acts as an exciter for the power
amplifier, avoiding the disadvantages of transceiver/ booster solutions
with respect to unwanted emissions. The HF power amplifier is
mounted separately on an independent shockmount with room for proper
air flow. This provides additional flexibility when installing tactical
radio systems into vehicles. The R&S VK3150 uses rugged tactical
packaging and meets the same environmental specifications for temperature,
shock, vibration, and submersibility as the rest of the R&S
M3TR family components.
External antenna tuning units Vehicular
antenna tuning unit HF 150 W
Docking stations Docking station
for one or two radios, one or two 50 W VHF power amplifiers and
a switchbox (DDS)1) or auxbox (SDS)2)
Batteries Li-Ion
(rechargeable) or LiSO2 (primary) Autonomy/capacity at +25 °C (FF-operation,
duty cycle TX/RX/Stdby = 1:1:8) Li-Ion VHF
(5 W, FM): 22 h, HF (10 W, SSB): 14 h LiSO2
VHF (5 W, FM): 28 h, HF (10 W, SSB): 18 h
1) Double docking station. 2)
Single docking station.


관련자료 rohde
& shwarz m3tr_23.pdf m3tr_bro.pdf m3tr_mil.pdf mr3000h.pdf mr3000u.pdf mr3000h_24.pdf mr3000u_24.pdf
rs150t_de.pdf rs150t_speci.pdf 113212cat.pdf ek895ent.pdf fk2020t.pdf fk3150t.pdf ga3001t.pdf gm3001s.pdf gn2100t.pdf
hv3004t.pdf hv3015t.pdf ib3001t.pdf m3sr22t.pdf n163t.pdf secom.pdf vk3150t.pdf vt3050.pdf xk2000t.pdf
M3TR-family_bro_en.pdf M3TR-family_bro_en(2).pdf RZ_8604_Heeres_bro_en.pdf Serie4100_bro_en.pdf